Friday Oct 20, 2023

Episode 40: Sidney Powell’s Guilty Plea: A Legal Analysis

#sidneypowell just pled guilty to 6 crimes in the Georgia election interference case - one day before the jury trial was supposed to begin. She is the 2nd of 19 co-defendants to take a plea, and one of the most well-known and public faces of the case. Dubbed the "Krakan" during her public interviews regarding the 2020 election, Sidney Powell is only one of many attorneys who were charged under the sweeping Georgia indictment brought by Fanni Willis. The trial is still scheduled to start tomorrow for co-defendant attorney Kenneth Chesebro.

In this Special Edition of The Legal Weekly Wine, our legal team discuss the implications of her plea deal and why Sidney Powell would have taken the deal, including how it may help her with other pending civil and ethical actions. We also discuss what her plea means for Kenneth Chesebro and Donald Trump while they continue to weigh their options as the cards begin to fall around them.

Grab a glass of wine or your favorite drink and spend the end of the week with co-hosts Virginia Tehrani, Esq., Chelsey Rogers, J.D., and Dr. John Vile, while we prepare for the next event in the Georgia election interference criminal prosecution.

To learn more about attorney Virginia Tehrani and her background and law practice, check her out at:

To learn more about co-host Chelsey Rogers, check her out at:

And a big CONGRATULATIONS to Chelsey on passing the Maryland Bar Examination! Our team at The Legal Weekly Wine are looking forward to seeing what you do next!

To learn more about Dr. Vile and his background and expertise in the political science and the American Constitution, along with a list of his publications, check him out at:


To view a video version of this podcast, visit us on YouTube at:


Today's wine: Battlefield Green Wine from Morais Vineyards:


LAW STUDENTS! Attorney Virginia Tehrani and former law student Chelsey Rogers of The Law Unscripted team have joined up again to provide supplemental Bar Examination and Law School Courses! These include outlines, lectures, discussions, and hypotheticals for the 8 core law school and bar examination subjects. You can purchase products a la carte, in bundles, or as a package. Access all these programs as they appear on our website:

AFFILIATE LINK! Also, we have teamed up with Quimbee to provide an affiliate link and discount for law students for their full bar examination review courses. Click the following link, and get 10% off the Quimbee Bar Review or Quimbee Bar Review+ programs for your main Bar Examination review:


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Legal Disclaimer


All commentary and opinions expressed in this podcast and video are solely for informational purposes and should not be taken as legal advice. Chelsey Rogers and Dr. Vile are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice. Virginia Tehrani is an excellent attorney, but she is not your attorney. Nothing in this podcast and video create a legal or contractual relationship between any listener or viewer and the hosts of this show, Tehrani Law, LLC, or The Law Unscripted. If you need assistance with a legal problem, contact an experienced attorney in your local area.


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